
Monday, August 22, 2011

San Francisco: Another Business Trip, Another Chocolate Crawl

I swear I actually stay home every so often. Really. Just not last week. Even before going off to the Healthy Living Summit, I was away from DC. In this case, for work.

Fortunately, in San Francisco, where chocolate-enjoyment opportunities abound. For example, you can drag six of your colleagues to a tour of TCHO’s factory.

Don’t let engineers fool you. They eat this stuff up (Literally. There were samples).
You can then drag some of them off to the Ferry Building, where several chocolate shops line the center aisle.
I was most excited to stumble upon Recchiuti’s shop.

Oh yes. His Chocolate Obsession cookbook, which I adore and hold in high reverence, was even on display.

Just a few shops down, Sharffen Berger, the folks who make the 70% cacao bittersweet chocolate that I use in almost all my recipes, drew us into their shop.

I was excited to find the Vietnamese-origin Ben Tre bar, which I’d reviewed but had been unable to find back east.

I may have picked a few up. It happens.

We got even more adventurous, and headed over to Fog City News, which has a famed chocolate collection.

They may have Amedei and Cluizel and the like, but they don’t allow photos in their shop. Really? A newsstand? OK then. I’ll forgive you because you have such a great collection of bars.

I picked up a little (or perhaps a lot) of everything at each shop. Reviews will come up…when I feel like it. A recap of the TCHO tour…also when I feel like it.

First, I have to go through the stack of mail at home. I think it dates back to some time in June.

Have you been to San Francisco? Did you get any chocolate there?


  1. clearly i missed out last time i went to SF ;) focused more on produce than chocolate!

  2. I went to San Fran as a wee youngin but I guess I missed out too. Lame. You are forever traveling and I am forever jealous of your life.

  3. Looks like quite the fun crawl. I did eat chocolate. Somewhere in the Ferry Building, but I cannot for the life of me remember where.

  4. I stumbled upon the TCHO factory last September (I believe they had just opened)! I was bummed to find out they weren't offering tours yet, so I'd love to take one the next time I go back. Looking forward to reading about your tour!

  5. Best place to live in the entire world!

  6. I have definitely been to San Francisco...but have not visited chocolate shops there. I think I need to take some vacation time to do some traveling. :D Glad you had some appreciative coworkers to poke around with you!

  7. A chocolate tour?! Sign me up. You must've been in heaven. I wish I had found you at HLS! I had "find an introduce myself to Victoria" on my list of things to do, and was bummed I didn't get to check it off!

  8. Oh, I wish I could try the Ben Tre! I don't think I've yet had any Vietnamese origin chocolate.

  9. I adore the Ferry Terminal - btw, I have been eating the Scharfen Berger 99% unsweetened bar lately - just a medium-ish chunk at a time. It is so smooth that the lack of sweetness works, though sometimes I do drizzle a bit of agave on it. I love how how it is so much less acidic than most other 100% unsweetened chocolate I have tried.

  10. I havent't been to SF lately however hope to visit in about a year. I'll have to plan an entire day just for chocolate discovery. Cant wait to tour TCHO. If you ever find yourself in Seattle you'll have to join me for a visit to Chocolopolis, a fabulous chocolate shop.

  11. I'd love to try that Ben Tre bar as well. I definitely haven't had much chocolate with Southeast Asian origins. Maybe none!

    Luckily I only had about five pieces of mail for the two weeks I was gone. Score (if I don't think about the connotations of receiving nothing important)!

  12. The Bay Area is indescribably good for the taste buds. It really doesn't get better. I often forget how spoiled I am...

    I know I mentioned Woodhouse in Napa Valley, but now that I'm thinking of my current 'hood, the East Bay, I can't think of anything worth a visit. A lot of amazing bakeries and dessert places, but can't think of a great chocolate place...
