
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thornton's Dark Chocolate with Berries: Antioxidant Overload

Natalie really sent me a nice haul with that package that included those Montezuma chocolate bars. It didn’t end with those three bars. Oh no. When we ship things across the Atlantic, we mean business. Real business, like this Thornton’s dark chocolate bar with wild blueberry and raspberry.

The 63% cocoa bar is, as noted, packed with antioxidants. This helps with exercise recovery, and other good stuff. The berries have antioxidants, and so does the dark chocolate. These things make it possible for me to swim 10,000 meter swim workouts.

Don’t believe me? Try upping your chocolate consumption and see if it works for you. Maybe this bar with its fruity aroma, which unsurprisingly includes strong berry notes.

The dried berries inside are finely chopped, and well-dispersed. I liked this already.

The chocolate is soft, with hints of banana and coffee that mix nicely with the berry bits, which aren’t hard or chewy and instead dissolve perfectly alongside the buttery melt of the chocolate. It isn’t a very complexly-flavored chocolate, but this allows it to balance well with the bits of berry. Since I love berries and chocolate, Thornton’s would have had to make some serious mistakes for me to not enjoy the bar; I still find this bar to be quite nice and something that you really ought to look into for post-workout refueling.

The antioxidants help the body repair muscle microtears. Honestly. You owe it to yourself to check it out.

What kind of berry do you like best with chocolate?


  1. I adore raspberries with chocolate. The seeds taste so fantastic to me in dark chocolate....amazing.
    If it makes you swim that distance, I'm getting some now!

  2. Can you just nickname this weeks string of posts, Hollie is completely jealous of every single chocolate bar you have reviewed week. Ah oh my god. Have fun in HI!

  3. Hmm... I think I blogged this one over a year ago and totally made fun of it. I'm going to have to check now :P

  4. Looks like I need to get some of this chocolate in my life!
