
Friday, July 8, 2011

Montezuma: Milk Chocolate with Butterscotch

Though the first two Montezuma bars I tried from the package that Natalie sent me from the U.K. were based on dark chocolate, a milk chocolate bar was also in the mix. One that looked like it would be quite sweet – a 54% cocoa milk chocolate bar with butterscotch.

When I unwrapped the bar I searched for an aroma and found a weak caramel note and little else.

Those bits seemed to be based on crystallized sugar, which means that they dissolved quite nicely alongside the relatively quick, milky melt of the chocolate to result in a balanced flavor throughout.

The salty and creamy flavor of the butterscotch enhanced the creamy flavor of the chocolate itself, and the banana notes from the chocolate resulted in a more complex creation without distracting from the core flavors. All together, the bar and butterscotch bits are blended nicely from a flavor and texture standpoint.

Now if only Montezuma were readily available in the U.S., I’d eat this by the pound.

Have you had butterscotch with chocolate before?


  1. This is actually the first time that you've reviewed a bar that I wouldn't try....can't stand butterscotch. Glad you liked it though. :D

  2. Ha I was just talking about detesting butterscotch last weekend. It's not often that it comes up in conversation... but I would try it, for sure. It sounds like it works great in this chocolate.

  3. So I think I have found my new favorite brand of chocolate that you have reviewed because butterscotch is my second favorite combo!

  4. I made cinnamon rolls before and subbed the cinnamon/sugar/raisins for chocolate & butterscotch chips. I LOVE it!

  5. I've had the Green and Black's one, which is tasty albeit insanely sweet. I'm glad you enjoyed this, even though it seems like it didn't blow you away!

  6. You had me a butterscotch. yum. Never had it in a chocolate bar before only in desserts.
