
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chuao Firecracker Bar

One of the great things about being one of the lowly project managers here in my office is that I get to work right up until Christmas (yes, I was in the office on Friday) and get to come right back after Christmas.

Here I am today. More or less by myself. Which means I need extra noise to prevent myself from going crazy from the silence.

If only chocolate could provide extra noise.

Oh, but it can. When you add popping candy, like Chuao did in their Firecracker Bar.

This bar, with a 60% cacao dark chocolate base, features chipotle spice, salt, and popping candy. That, yes that, will keep me alert and focused on all my regulatory review work today.

The bar features a strong fruity aroma, as well as hints of coffee and spice; the popping candy is small and distributed nicely throughout the bar.

The chocolate is mild and creamy at first, with a smooth melt, and then the popping candy takes over the texture as it dissolves. While the popping candy takes over the experience, the chipotle becomes even more apparent, and the popping candy becomes louder and louder with each moment of the melt. A few extra nutty flavors emerge behind the chipotle, and the salt dissolves as the last of the chocolate is dissipating.

And once it’s gone, the candy keeps popping.

Popping to keep me on my toes all day today.

Are you at work today? Or hanging out in your pajamas until mid-afternoon?


  1. I like the firecracker bar, it's a lot of fun to eat AND it's tasty chocolate.

    Sadly I'm not hanging around in my pajamas....le sigh

  2. Wow, that sounds like a really cool arrangement of flavors - with excellent popping to boot! You make it sound super appealing...I will add this to my "chocolate to try" list. :)

    We only get 1 day off for Christmas at my workplace, but I took a few vacation days too. But I was back on Wednesday and am at work again today. :) Have a happy New Year, Victoria!

  3. I'm not looking forward to leaving the cushy halls of academia, where time off abounds....

    This chocolate sounds so good, mmm.

  4. This made me feel sick. I wanted to like it, but alas, popping candy is not my friend. I still want to try the panko one though...
