
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Teuscher: Coffee Chocolate

Having overdone it with intense plain chocolate from Teuscher, I needed something that would be easier on me. One of their flavored bars. Could I take one with a dark chocolate base? I could only find out by sampling their Coffee Chocolate bar.

Unsurprisingly, the bar has a strong coffee aroma.

You’re welcome for the earth-shattering insights.

The bar contains what seem to be microscopic coffee-infused sugar crystals. As these are small and water soluble, it’s more like an added component to the chocolate than a grainy effect. The texture of the chocolate itself is buttery, and the added sugar balances out the coffee so that this bar isn’t very bitter. The only drawback is that the coffee flavor, though tempered by the added sugar, is sufficiently strong such that no other chocolate flavors are evident. It’s good, though, for a coffee chocolate – not too bitter while conveying a strong coffee flavor.

Who make your favorite coffee-centered chocolate?

1 comment:

  1. I should have tried this one in addition to the lemon bar (I considered it!), it sounds pretty good. I really like the Mast Brothers Stumptown Coffee bar; enjoyed the Taza Counter Culture Coffee as well. Those are the two coming to mind at the moment...
