
Monday, October 24, 2011

Biagio/Cocova Sample Day: Who Needs Pictures?

Though I’ve made mention of the upcoming name change at Biagio, I have yet to see a fully-Cocova-branded chocolate tasting. I thought this month might be the one, but it appears that they’re still working through their stockpile of “Biagio” branded stickers.

What is that old saying? A rose by any other name blah blah blah…anyway, they still have a ton of outstanding chocolate, helpful staff, and free tastings. What else do you need?

I’d happily show you some photos of the tasting itself, but I went with somebody who doesn’t know about this blog who might think I was strange if I decided I needed to take pictures in a chocolate shop in a basement off 18th St.


Anyway, no pictures, but let’s talk about a few of the stellar bars up for sample.

  • The Amedei Toscano Blond 63% Cacao with Peaches and Apricots – the name pretty much says it all. The perfectly-dried fruits accent the chocolate beautifully.
  • The Grenada Chocolate Company 60% cacao bar, which was very smooth and a bit fruity.
  • The Palus Indonesie 75% cacao bar, with a strong flavor that ends with a pleasing earthy note.

Next time there is a tasting, I’m pretty sure that the bags will read “Cocova” and the name change will be all set.

Next time, I’ll also have a camera. I promise.

Have you ever left a camera at home because you would feel weird taking pictures?


  1. I always feel weird taking pictures.

  2. I would probably not leave the camera at home, but I would definitely leave it in my bag if I felt uncomfortable. Which I always do at restaurants, especially if other table are close by.

    I love the line "Oh, you have a... blog?" where there is always a pause, before 'blog' is issued forth from lips as if akin to a flesh-eating disease, or a dark secret.

    The Amedei bar sounds great, I haven't had that one before.

  3. I totally have, or at least not busted it out. It's weird the places you get embarrassed. I need to go to more chocolate tastings. Sounds like fun!

  4. Yeah, I totally have! Some people look at you funny, and sometimes you think you don't need it. ;)

  5. mmmHMMMMMM. Somebody who doesn't know about your blog? someone who gets schooled on hills, also??? Or maybe someone else whose ego isn't quite so fragile...

  6. I read this on the L2 outside the shop...kind of odd. None of my coworkers know about my blog so if there's something I want a photo of and any of them are around, I have to be super sneaky!
