
Monday, September 19, 2011

Cacao: Chocolate Covered Dried Apricots

After nearly tragic experiences with the milk chocolate medallions and white chocolate medallions from DC-based Cacao, I was growing anxious. Was there not a good chocolate creation to be had from this little gem in Cleveland Park? I moved along to the fruit-based creations in search of a better product, and examined the dark chocolate covered dried apricots first.

These little treats offered a very faint apricot aroma, with the berry and chocolate aromas from the chocolate being far more apparent.

Coffee is the most apparent flavor in the chocolate, with berry and cream notes accenting it; these flavors are complimented by a soft texture and slow melt. The dried apricot underneath that chocolate is juicy, tart, and flavorful, with only a hint of sweetness, blending nicely with the fairly mild dark chocolate. My only complaint is that the chocolate layer is quite thin, and I’d personally prefer a higher chocolate to apricot ratio. That aside, the chocolate and fruit are both wonderful, and I’ll be making the treck down Connecticut Avenue every now and then to pick up a bag of these.

You should, too.

Do you prefer more fruit or more chocolate when you eat chocolate-covered fruits?


  1. One of my favorite items at Cacao are the chocolate covered orange peels. Pricey, but they are perfect for a quick snack.

  2. dried apricots have a very serious affect on the sounds of my digestive system.

  3. I love chocolate-covered apricots. love love love. They're one of my favorite Christmas-time snacks (odd as it may sound).

  4. I loved chocolate covered dried fruit and apricots are OF COURSE among them :)

  5. FRRRRRRRRT. that's what the apricots do!

  6. This may disappoint you, but I actually prefer a light layer of chocolate on dried fruit. Chocolate covered apricots are fantastic!
