
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Salazon Chocolate: Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt

One very nice thing about being a devoted chocolate lover living in DC is that there are more and more locally-made chocolates available to us all the time. Just look at those divine Fleur de Sel Caramels that I got from Artisan Confections. Zoe’s up in Frederick is putting together some truly divine flavor combinations in their bars. And of course, Potomac Chocolate provides us all with the chance to try locally-made goods from bean-to-bar artisan chocolate maker.

Now, to add to the offerings, Salazon started pumping out bars in nearby Eldersberg, MD about a year ago. I found this bar of dark chocolate with natural sea salt at the Friendship Heights Whole Foods on a trip to pick up running shoes, perfume, and cocoa powder.

It was an efficient trip. Really.

The aroma of this 54% cocoa bar is herby, and reminded me of basil and mint. The bar also offered some nicely executed artwork.

I take the fact that I noticed this as progress. It means that I looked at this bar long enough before eating it to notice. I also noticed, before I bit in, that there was salt visible on the back of the bar. Would this be like a shot of saltwater? Tough to say without eating.

Off I go.

The salt is evident, but is sufficiently ground such that it isn’t overwhelming; however, it’s a little concentrated towards the back of the bar, and the experience would be more complete if it were uniformly distributed. That said, the salt does bring out a nutty flavor from the chocolate, as well as a bit of mint, and the bar also features vanilla and perhaps a hint of licorice. The melt of the chocolate is smooth, until the end when there’s a hint of dryness. Overall, it’s a nice bar, and I enjoy finding locally-made products, but it’s not the best salted chocolate out there.

Even after this bar, I have yet to find that perfect salted chocolate. The quest continues.

Have you seen Salazon Chocolate around? Where did you see it?


  1. I love trying local chocolates, and Whole Foods is definitely where I regularly discover new items too!

  2. Actually, Salazon chocolate were kind enough to send me their chocolate around January last year when I was in the States! It was the first (and really, one of the only) times I've been sent chocolate (some of us don't get kilos from, say, Ritter sport, like others... ;) )

    I remember thinking they were quite nice - enjoyed the novelty of the salt and pepper one too. Hmm, maybe I should look back at my blog review and see what I thought exactly! :P

  3. I have never seen Salazon before but it sounds really good. I love the pattern on the chocolate. I might have a problem eating it. Actually no not really. Oh while I'm thinking about ut-there is a 5k swim at the end of the summer in VA beach and you should totally do it. You could totally stay with me.

  4. oooh, this may be on my list of chocolate companies to talk to, once I've exhausted bean-to-bar manufacturers! Looks good!

  5. I have not heard of Salazon before. I am going to have to look for it in my Whole Foods. I love that the chocolate has the figures on the front!

  6. I haven't been much of a fan of any of the Salazon bars. I found there to be too much of a slathering of salt on the bar, but it's been over a year since I tried this one, so they may have changed their ratios since? The pepper was too much for me as well. I did like the sea salt and cane sugar, as the sugar muted the saltiness but retained plenty of enhanced flavor. And the coffee & salt bar, I dunno. It's not for me, but only because the beans get stuck in my teeth:)

    I do like their bar design and their branding - I think they've got something good going for themselves. I'm excited to see what they come up with next.
