
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Goumas: Chocolate Covered Potato Chips

While working my way through the massive box of samples that Goumas sent me, I noted the plethora of turtles, nut clusters, and caramels…and then saw the best thing ever.

Chocolate covered potato chips.

Two varieties. Including a milk chocolate version.

The chocolate coating is creamy with a caramel flavor, and is fast melting.

The chips inside, amazingly, remained incredibly crisp, giving the creation a perfect blend of sweet-salty and smooth-crunchy. It’s a bit on the sweet side, but I personally enjoy sweet treats and am certain that I could eat an entire pound of these.

You know how I said I could eat so many of those chocolate covered cashews that you should never send them to me? Yeah. Same deal with those milk chocolate covered potato chips. Danger.

Perhaps the dark chocolate version would be less addictive. Or, perhaps it would have a creamy, salty aroma that hinted at something just as delicious.

The chocolate is fairly thick, featuring a creamy texture, a mild earthy flavor and quite a bit of sugar for a dark chocolate. The chip is crisp, but too sparse. Amazingly, I found the chocolate to chip ratio to be far too high in this treat. There needs to be more crunch and salt; I personally found the milk version to be better balanced.

Have you had chocolate-covered potato chips before?


  1. These look great! And I have made chocolate-covered potato chips before! My grandma showed me how when I was younger and they were beyond amazing

  2. Oh-ho, yes. Yes I want these! I remember seeing chocolate-covered potato chips in a Garden of Eden in New York, but they were so expensive I didn't buy them. FOOL.

  3. I've had some chocolate covered potato chips before in Japan, and they were so strange! Very very salty, which I wasn't a fan of!

  4. Oooh, I haven't had these, but I seriously need to find some.

  5. I don't ever need to try these, because once I start eating them, I don't think that I could stop! :D

  6. I haven't, but they sound amazing! I'm imagining something like chocolate covered pretzel except better.

  7. Oh my god. I didn't even know they made those seriously. that sounds fantastic.

  8. Oh wow these sounds amazing, at first I thought it might have been a little strange but now i think about the salty sweet combo it would work amazingly well i think! I've never tried them before..oh now how i wish i had!

  9. I think the key would be sticking 2 chips together and then dunking in chocolate, extra crunch and salt:-)

  10. Ha, when will this box of Goumas end?! What a never-ending labyrinth of luxury:)

  11. I haven't ever had one and I honestly can't believe it. I need to find some... now.

  12. I've never had chocolate-covered potato chips before but would love to try that milk chocolate version.

  13. I want. I keep thinking chocolate can't get better, then they combine it with fried white carbs and salt. Yummmmm.

  14. yum! i want a chocolate covered potato chip right now

  15. This sounds like the best idea EVER. I've never had one but really really want one right now!

  16. Oh man, these look RIDICULOUSLY tasty! Danger...danger indeed!
