
Friday, April 29, 2011

Thorntons Milk Chocolate with Fudge: Memories of the Shore

Since postage across the Atlantic isn’t exactly cheap, Lee and I exchanged several bars in our respective mailings this month. In addition to the semi-illicit Throntons tonka bar, I was sent a full-legal bar of Thorntons milk chocolate with fudge.

The base of the bar is a 35% cocoa milk chocolate of Papua New Guinea origin, and the wrapper, like that for the tonka bar, gives me strict instructions: love me, unwrap me, eat me.

Gotcha. I always listen to my chocolate. Especially when the aroma reminds me of fudge shops at the beach in Delaware, with a subtle dairy chocolate scent accompanied by vanilla and honey.

Like the milk chocolate tonka bar, this bar is soft, and includes bits of soft, fudgy honey that melt slower than the chocolate; if you are impatient like me, you can bite into them. The honey-vanilla taste of the fudge is dominant, and is complimented by some hints of maple syrup. This bar is quite, quite sweet, just like fudge from the beach.

Such nostalgia. I wish I could say I had some of this left. Alas. Summer and trips to the beach can’t be that far away.

What chocolate bars evoke nostalgia for you?


  1. Hmm, interesting. I'm sure I blogged this one ages ago, and I think I found it a bit dull in its sweetness! Sweet nostalgia chocolate would probably be a crunchie bar for me :)

  2. Ooooh that sounds sooo amazing!!!! I looove fudge! :D My parents are actually friends with a fudge shop owner in Florida!!! Best ever! hahaha

  3. Oooh milk chocolate with fudge *drool* I love how food - especially chocolate - stirs up so many good memories. My favorite chocolate that evoke nostalgia isn't a bar, it's the Mozart balls with marzipan. My parents used to buy that for me all the time and I love how eating just one ball brings me back home.

  4. Wow that is making my mouth water just reading your review. Holy Moly. I love fudgy chocolate.

  5. Yeah looks good!

    I would say a Cadbury fruit and nut bar evokes nostalgia in me. And fun size (or not so fun size) milk & dark choc, mr goodbar, etc., from halloween.

  6. Hmmmm... I really have a weird relationship with this bar. I both love it and find it too sweet. I don't know why but I've been craving super sweet things of late and so I've been in a fudge chocolate kind of mood but usually this chocolate is a bit sweet for me.

    I think Thorntons is always going to be loved and so it'll always sell but it is a bit on the sweet side

  7. That bar sounds amazing! I wish I could find it around here.
