
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Taza Cinnamon Mexicano Disc: Strong, Sweet Cinnamon

There are some flavor combinations that, while not immediately appealing to most, blend together quite nicely if well-balanced. One such combination that I thoroughly enjoy using in my baking is the pairing of chocolate and cinnamon. If used in concert with the chocolate, rather than overwhelming it, the cinnamon can draw out some sweetness from the chocolate and add a bit of complexity without completely flattening the subtle chocolate flavors.

It’s therefore difficult for me to pass by any cinnamon-enhanced chocolate treats, and the Taza Cinnamon Mexicano Disc was no exception.

The cinnamon is immediately apparent upon unwrapping from the aroma, and is reminiscent of mulling spices or cider that you commonly smell around Christmas.

The first taste apparent is a bit of vanilla, and then some strong, sweet – but not spicy – cinnamon slightly dominates the taste over that of the chocolate. It tastes as if there are little bits of cinnamon sugar scattered throughout the chocolate, and the flavor is relatively uniform throughout the melt. Though I enjoyed the cinnamon, I’d prefer a slightly stronger chocolate flavor against it. It’s certainly worth trying again.

When you eat cinnamon and chocolate together, do you like the cinnamon or chocolate to come through more?


  1. I'm more and more in love with Taza, and more and more unhappy about living in Australia, with each post you write. I adore cinnamon and chocolate :)

  2. I like chocolate and cinnamon combinations and I certainly like to feel the cinnamon in there. But I have tried chocolates (like this Dolfin bar) where the cinnamon was too strong for my liking (though on the second day when I tried another block, I was fine with it, so perhaps it was just a matter of getting used to it). Anyway, I guess it would be something in the middle for me.

  3. I like chocolate and cinnamon together, but with more chocolate than cinnamon flavors.

  4. I like chocolate just for the chocolate :)

  5. Interesting combo! Sounds good.
    Email me your address so I can send you your giveaway winnings!

  6. @Hannah Solution: come visit me here. Bring your hot brother. I'll provide baked goods.
