
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Indulgence Chocolatiers: 54% Cocoa Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt

For most people, one bar of salted chocolate would be enough for one purchase.

I am not most people. I am me. And I need my salt and chocolate. So despite selecting the 41% Cocoa Milk Chocolate with Sea Salt when I spied bars by Indulgence Chocolatiers in Milwaukee, I knew I also needed the 54% Cocoa Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt.

It’s obvious. If you try the milk version, you need to try the dark version.

As with the milk chocolate version, the aroma is faint, but there is a bit of an earthy scent that comes from the unwrapped bar.

And, as with the milk chocolate version, it is difficult to tease out distinct chocolate flavors because the coarse sea salt dominates the taste. There’s a hint of nuttiness evident, so there’s more chocolate flavor in this version, but it’s also a tad drier than the milk chocolate version, which I think I slightly favor. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed snacking on this combination of dark chocolate and sea salt.

Do you think salt pairs better with dark or milk chocolate?


  1. Victoria, your blog makes me crave chocolate, haha =) I love the combination of chocolate and salt, although I'm not sure how I feel about dark chocolate (even though I know it's healthier). I'll have to give this a try, though!

  2. Gorgeous bar! Glad to hear this one wasn't too awful ;)

  3. :( I just don't like Dark chocolate, it always tastes so bitter to me. But Milk... mmmmmm.

  4. @KatieNothing wrong with craving a little chocolate - just go for the good stuff, not the over-processed junk from CVS. It's tastier!

  5. @Hannah They definitely have their molding and tempering down pat.

  6. @DashI did prefer their milk version of this - but I'm an equal opportunity chocolate eater ;).

  7. Now see there's my issue - I swear I don't understand the fascination with putting salt *on* chocolate. The salt dissolves way before the chocolate melts leaving you with a mouth full of brine water and not much else. Not my idea of delicious but it seems the new fad.

    Now, sea salt *in* a bar, subtly but there can enhance the flavour but it is a delicate balance.

    Do you think chocolatiers actually eay the bars they make? I sometimes wonder...

  8. @Mostly About Chocolate Blog The salt seemed to disolve pretty quickly - didn't get that "lingering ocean water thing." It stuck around about the same amount of time as the chocolate. And I find it helps to eat it salt-side-down :).

  9. I've tried many styles & I just can't get past the brine mouth I get :-( maybe I'm focusing too much or something. I'm going to have to try & find a bar of this though just to test & see if I like it now!
