
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Vosges Bars: Marzipan

Marzipan seems to be a divisive force – folks either eat it by the truckload, or think that it is a sickly-sweet concoction good for little besides being shaped into three-dimensional sugary objects unfit for adult human consumption. I fall a little bit closer to the first camp than the second, so when I saw that Vosges was offering a Marzipan Exotic Candy Bar for the holiday season, I knew I had to procure one, and did so at the Biagio sample day.

The bar features a 62% cocoa dark chocolate, which has a hint of a coffee undertone and surrounds a marzipan blended with “a touch of Amaretto” (per the Vosges description).

Sadly, as one who shies away from strongly alcohol-infused chocolate creations, this bar seemed to have more than just a bit of Amaretto mixed in with the marzipan, which resulted in a thin, wet, runny interior that broke away from the chocolate instantly.

The result was an alcohol-heavy mess that I had a difficult time biting into and enjoying, which is unfortunate given how much I was looking forward to this bar. That being said, Vosges did do a great job of selecting a slightly bitter dark chocolate to offset the sweet taste of the marzipan and Amaretto, so the bar is well-balanced in terms of sweetness, but the Amaretto completely dominates the flavor. A true Amaretto lover would likely love this bar – assuming that they could look beyond the mess factor, which I can do myself for chocolate that I enjoy.

Do you like marzipan? Plain or alcohol-infused?


  1. Never had marzipan before....too bad about the chocolate bar.

  2. I love anything made with Amaretto and love Vosges bars so I will be on the look out. Have you tried the Vosges chocolate bacon bar?

  3. @fitchocoholic Fortunately, most marzipan is a little drier and less alcohol-filled - you should try some. Delish!

  4. @Pixie Definitely try to snag some, I think this is limited edition for the holidays. And I still haven't tried the Vosges bacon bars - strange, huh?

  5. I don't have strong feelings about marzipan, but I love Amaretto! It's also the first alcoholic drink I ever tried, by accident during a family celebration when I was maybe 4 years old. Actually, this post is inspiring me to go pick some up.

  6. @Alina @ Duty Free Foodie That is TOO FUNNY. And RUN; this is one of the limitted edition holiday bars that Vosges may or may not carry forward after the new year.

  7. I've actually never tried marizipan! I do love amaretto though so I bet this bar would be right up my alley.

  8. I'm pretty new to marzipan, but just used a little almond extract when I made it. I do like booze (and amaretto), but usually shy away from using it in the kitchen. re: the bacon bars - I've had the milk chocolate (prior to veggieness) and thought it wasn't bacony enough! XD

  9. Ack!!! My brother is currently en route to New York and this Marzipan bar is one of the chocolates I told him to look for above all others! I think I'll have to email him to change my list, as while I love marzipan I don't do too well with super strong alcohol flavours...

    Though do you know if any of the new chocolate bars *aren't* holiday bars? Like the Amalfi, or Bapchi, or anything? He may not be able to find any of the ones I asked for...

  10. @Hannah Anything listed here: is seasonal - though some of them, like the cherry rooibos and black salt caramel don't strike me as "holiday" bars. Maybe he can get you a mini of the marzipan bar and you can decide for yourself - I definitely tasted the booze, though.

    Anyway, a lot of the holiday bars are still around on the shelves of various stores. The stores here in DC don't have full stock, but one has a slew of Amalfi (review coming tomorrow) while another seems to have enough stockpiled Bapchi's caramel toffee to help everybody survive armageddon. So maybe have your brother pick up a few non-holiday bars, too. Email me ( for recs.

  11. @Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin Some of the local Whole Foods stores have these - it's definitely high-quality chocolate that will satisfy your chocolate cravings with just a bite. And maybe alcohol cravings to boot!

  12. @Jessica @ bake me away! Jessica, who I have recently crowned queen of marzipan, I have a mission for you. Marzipan. Plain. Amaretto-infused buttercream on top. Chopped into 1" squares. Dipped in bittersweet chocolate.

    It needs you to make it.

  13. Marzipan is delicious. Sounds disgusting when mixed with too much alcohol though.

  14. @Amanda Well, it was too much alcohol for me, but some people like their marzipan that way.

  15. It sounds like I would love this. Chocolate with a little(or a lot) of booze is right up my ally.

  16. Thanks Victoria! I've tried almost every non-seasonal Vosges so am hoping he'll bring back some of those, and hopefully one or two of the fancier ones. I didn't realise all of the new ones were seasonal, though! The mini bar idea is a good one :)

  17. @Hannah Now if only your cute brother were coming closer to DC, I could take him to Biagio and help him pick out chocolate for you. We'd all be better off.

  18. @Evan Thomas Go for it, Evan - if you can find it in stores. It's part of their holiday series, so availability is spotty. The chocolate was, as is always the case with Vosges, top notch, I just don't go for super boozy.

  19. @Victoria (The District Chocoholic) Ooh, I just saw this! That sounds amazing. If this happens (which I agree that it should), I will export some your way.

  20. @Jessica @ bake me away! No no, save it for yourself. Me and the alcohol flavors don't do so well together.

    Except creme de menthe. But that's different.
