
Monday, November 29, 2010

Teuscher Boston: Walnut Gianduja

Everything has to come to an end. Even good things. Even really good things, like a box of chocolates from Teuscher. I won’t be able to write about their truffles, giandujas, or pralines for a while, because this walnut gianduja was the last piece from the box I picked up on my trip to Boston.

As I wrote yesterday, I’m not the world’s biggest walnut fan, and prefer other nuts, like hazelnuts and almonds. Since this gianduja is topped with a gigantic walnut half, the walnut flavor permeates the entire creation, including the smooth, milk chocolate coating.

Inside, the gianduja is sweet, but not too sweet, and carries a definite walnut flavor thanks to the finely-ground bits of walnut blended into the gianduja. While I don’t particularly enjoy walnuts, the incorporation of the walnut offsets the sweet gianduja and milk chocolate coating nicely, so the end result is a gianduja that is sweet, but not overwhelmingly so.

Although I wouldn’t pick this gianduja for my next box because of my own personal preference, those who like walnuts and milk chocolate would likely find this quite pleasing. Now I must figure out when I will get my hands on that next box.

While I don't have a new box in my possession, I do have other great news to report: after all the discussion about using lavender in baked goods, Lauren from Once Upon a Brewhouse has some great ideas, including lavender-scented marshmallows in hot chocolate - you must read about it.


  1. I have to say that I'm nota huuuge fan of walnuts either, but that looks pretty good.
    I'm thinking Almond Gianduja might be preeetty tasty.

  2. They have one! It's called the Duchesse and it has tiny slivers of almond scattered in it: - and yes, it is TASTY.

  3. Victoria, thank you for the mention. I am grateful! I have a holiday 'gift' for you in the works.

  4. Thanks for the marshmallow concept! I was thinking if you put them on top of some kind of cookie and THEN dipped them in ganache...oh man...
    Is the holiday gift another recipe? That would RULE!

  5. Even though I took a year of Italian, I always avoid saying "gianduja" due to lack of confidence in pronunciation. haha

    Walnuts taste floury to me, in a good way! I'd totally be on board for this.

  6. Wow, you took Italian, that must help with the music :). The Teuscher giandujas are all quite good, and this is a winner for walnut-lovers.

  7. These look great. I'm definitely not eating enough chocolate and walnuts.

  8. Not enough chocolate and walnuts together, or not enough of either?

  9. Together. And I love them both!

  10. Clearly, you need a batch of these brownies:
