
Friday, November 26, 2010

Chocolat Moderne: Hazelnut Hysterie Bistro Bar

In addition to the very seasonal Pumpkin Pique-Nique Bistro Bar that Chocolat Moderne sent me last weekend, I was also fortunate enough to receive yet another Bistro Bar – the Hazelnut Hysterie.

Packaged similarly to the Pumpkin Pique-Nique, it also featured the same bar-style blocks with smooth, intense dark chocolate base. The chocolate itself has a subtle coffee taste, and perhaps a hint of a vanilla undertone.

The praline inside is sweet and creamy, features bits of well-roasted, flavorful hazelnuts. There are also some bits of candied hazelnuts scattered throughout, and while they balance well with the dark chocolate bar, they are just a little too big for my liking, though not so much so that I couldn’t appreciate the praline.

The praline was soft, which is how I prefer my pralines, though this resulted in a bit of the thick chocolate bar breaking away from the praline during bites. As with the Pumpkin Pique-Nique, I would also prefer a higher ratio of praline to bar coating, though I’m not sure that’s structurally possible in this bar format. It appears that Chocolat Moderne offers traditional molded chocolates; perhaps those would present the ratio I’m looking for. I’ll have to procure some and try them out.


  1. Ok sooo I'm officially craving chocolate!!! This looks SO amazing. I love chocolate with a hint of coffee :)

  2. Fellow veggie lover :) - if you like chocolate with hints of coffee, see if you can find the Vosges Creole bar -

  3. Definitely. I want to go check out their "chocolate laboratory" (their words).

  4. Oh, I'm so envious! I finished up my last chocolat moderne the other week, and now I have to find out that these ones exist over in your country! *sobs*

    Ah well. That's what we chocolate bloggers do, I guess! Make it so others can live vicariously through us ;)

  5. Yeah, we have to live through each other, or organize exchanges. I see the British chocolate bloggers going on and on about Hotel Chocolat, and get upset until I remember that I can get Vosges. At the grocery store ;).

  6. Thanks for two great reviews, Victoria! We would love it if you came to visit. Just so you know, we also have a fabulous Espresso Moderne Bar, which has toffee infused with Illy espresso:

    @The District Chocoholic

  7. @Lauren I am so, so excited to get myself to NYC to check out your chocolate laboratory, among other things. And lily espresso??? WOW. So creative.
