
Friday, October 1, 2010

More Vosges Deliciousness: Caramel Toffee

One feature of the Vosges store I visited in Chicago was the quantity and variety of samples available for customers. I’d finalized selecting items for my (embarrassingly large) purchase, but a very inquisitive customer had the chocolate consultants occupied, so I kept myself entertained by snacking on the caramel toffee samples that were out. It was clear that I needed some of this in my life, so I picked up a ¼ pound box and added it to my purchase pile.

The caramel toffee is surrounded by milk chocolate, and covered in walnuts and pecans. You can see why this is appealing just by looking at a piece.

The milk chocolate you see on the outside is very soft, yet the walnuts and pecans covering it are still crunchy, and are obviously perfectly roasted. Inside, the toffee not only has a great salty-sweet flavor, but the texture is perfect. There’s a satisfying crunch, which all good toffee should have, but it’s thin, which prevents it from being so hard that I have to wonder if my dental work will survive the next bite.

(Yes kids, it’s true. If you like chocolate like I do, it’s entirely possible that you will wind up with four crowns and 11 fillings before you turn 30.)

The overall creation is one that pairs everything perfectly. Rich sweet chocolate with slightly salty caramel toffee such that neither dominates. A little crunch from the toffee and nuts contrasts the soft, creamy milk chocolate. Can somebody explain why I only got a quarter pound? I must get more.

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