
Friday, September 28, 2012

Delaviuda Yogu-Fresa

Earlier this summer, Cecelia, the queen of making beautiful homemade macarons, sent me some chocolate from Spain.

Yes, Spain. I’ve had plenty of French, German, and Italian chocolate. But never Spanish, which Cecelia thought was a shame, and she remedied the situation with this The Delaviuda Yogu-Fresa bar.

The strawberry-yogurt based bar from Toledo, Spain had a clear aroma of tart berry and cream, along with a very thin chocolate coating.

 That chocolate coating was smooth, with a strong dairy flavor, and was soft enough to break nicely alongside the interior.

Underneath that thin chocolate layer was a firm white-chocolate-like filling with a strong, tart yogurt flavor. Crumbled freeze dried berries are nicely distributed throughout the filling, and add a pleasing but slightly artificial berry flavor to the bar. The tart yogurt and berry dominate the flavor of this sweet bar, and there is little chocolate flavor notable given the thin chocolate shell, but it is a delightful treat nonetheless.

Thank you, Cecelia!


  1. ahhhh i'd love to hear some of your favorite german chocolate bars (and DC places to eat too - will be there next month and in November!)

  2. OH MY GOD I want that chocolate!
