Friday, July 6, 2012

Perfect Fuel Chocolate

Chocolate review time again! As I've said before, I'm busy training for Ironman Louisville this summer, and you can read about that over on my triathlon blog. Sadly, this means less time for chocolate reviews.

Less time, but still some time. Which is why when the folks at Perfect Fuel Chocolate asked me if I'd be willing to review their goods, I  was quite gleeful.

Three 14 gram pieces of 74% cacao raw chocolate, enhanced with ginseng, showed up for my evaluation. 

These bars are supposed to be just perfect 30 minutes before a workout, and the antioxidants in the chocolate are beneficial for cellular repair following exercise.

Obviously the only reason I ever eat chocolate. Obviously.

I'll be eating one of these before my big bike-run workout this Saturday, and will report back on the effect it has on my training day over on my triathlon blog. So here, I'll focus on the chocolate itself.

The  chocolate has floral and coffee aromas, and has a coarse texture similar to that of Taza’s chocolate. It melts nicely and is not at all dry despite the coarse texture.

Red fruits emerge as the first flavor, and then earthy and coffee flavors come forth later. The finish includes a bit of floral and citrus flavors, and the overall flavor profile is intense and complex . The bar is not sweet at all, and though slightly bitter, the floral notes prevent the bitterness from becoming overwhelming.